

Best IDE Every Programmer Should Know About!!

Why are IDEs so important? 

Well, think of a scenario – you are going to make pasta for dinner. Even though you know the recipe, you will need ingredients and appropriate tools/ equipment to put your idea into action. You will find all the relevant tools and ingredients in a kitchen. So, that will be your workplace. Similarly, even though developers know how to code, they will need a workplace with all the relevant tools. IDE will provide the developers with that workstation. That’s why IDEs are very important. Fortunately, there are many options we have. The following are some of the best multipurpose IDE software that supports C, C++, PHP, Java, JavaScript, Python, and many more.

What is an IDE?

An integrated development environment (IDE) is software for building applications that combines common developer tools into a single graphical user interface (GUI). An IDE typically consists of:

  • Source code editor: A text editor that can assist in writing software code with features such as syntax highlighting with visual cues, providing language specific auto-completion, and checking for bugs as code is being written.
  • Local build automation: Utilities that automate simple, repeatable tasks as part of creating a local build of the software for use by the developer, like compiling computer source code into binary code, packaging binary code, and running automated tests.
  • Debugger: A program for testing other programs that can graphically display the location of a bug in the original code.

There are many different technical and business use cases for IDEs, which likewise means there are many proprietary and open source IDE options on the market. Typically, the most important differentiating characteristics between IDEs are:

  • The number of supported languages: Some IDEs are dedicated to one language, and so are a better match for a specific programming paradigm. IntelliJ, for instance, is known primarily as a Java IDE. Other IDEs have a broad array of supported languages all in one, like the Eclipse IDE which supports Java, XML, Python, and others.
  • Supported operating system(s): A developer’s operating system will constrain which IDEs are viable (unless an IDE is cloud-based), and if the application being developed is intended for an end user with a specific operating system (like Android or iOS), this may be an additional constraint.
  • Automation features: Even though most IDEs include the 3 key features of a text editor, build automation, and debugger, many include support for additional features like refactoring, code search, and continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) tools.
  • Impact on system performance: An IDE’s memory footprint may be important to consider if a developer wants to run other memory-intensive applications concurrently.
  • Plugins and extensions: Some IDEs include the ability to customize workflows to match a developer’s needs and preferences. 

1)  BlueJ

BlueJ is one of the most popular IDEs for JAVA programmers. It is best for programmers who work in an individual capacity or have a small-scale software development set up. It has a very interactive layout. It allows the developer to test their code and interact with new objects.

2) Eclipse

Eclipse is one of the famous IDE for Java. It is a cross-platform desktop application.

The interface provided by Eclipse is one of its most appealing elements. It allows a drop and drags functionality as well. You can also analyze your code using static analysis. It also supports elements such as debugging and profiling.

3) SlickEdit

SlickEdit provides a powerful, highly customizable Code Editor & IDE that can quickly edit up to 2TB’s. SlickEdit supports 70+ programming languages, making it an excellent choice for programmers who need the ability to develop in multiple languages across multiple platforms. Their unparalleled technical support sets them apart from others in the industry.


CODE:: BLOCKS is a free tool for the programmers of C and C++. It can be configured according to your requirements, and its plugins are highly flexible. It allows you to program objects in a visual object-oriented approach. It is termed as a class browser. It also supports the auto-completion of the code along with debugging.

5) GNAT Studio

GNAT studio is a powerful IDE for C, C++, Ada, Spark, and Python developers. It supports debugging, profiling, drag n drops, and auto-complete features.

6) AWS Cloud9

AWS Cloud9 is a cloud-based IDE. It supports real-time analysis along with spontaneous editing. You can use AWS Cloud9 with more than 40 languages, including the popular ones Node.js, Python, JS, Ruby, and Go.

7) CodeLite

CodeLite is an open-source lightweight IDE for backend development. It is primarily known for PHP and Node.js and can be installed on Windows, Debian, Ubuntu, macOS, and Fedora.

8) NetBeans

NetBeans works well with almost all of the popular programming languages. It provides line indentation. It is also available in various languages such as English, Russian, Japanese, and Chinese. It also highlights the source code. The workspace is completely modifiable, and the programmer can modify it as per his/her needs.

9) JetBrains

JetBrains offers enterprise-ready IDE for every type of development. Let me give you a quick overview of all of them.

PhpStorm – a productive PHP IDE who understand every code and has plenty of inbuilt developer tools.

AppCode – compatible with Xcode for iOS and macOS development. It integrates well with Reveal, CocoaPods, Git, Perforce, etc.

CLion – as you can guess by the name, it’s for C and C++. It has inbuilt debugging.

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